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Ongo­ing Jew­ish study has been central to Jew­ish life for millennia. The thirst for knowl­edge has sus­tained our peo­ple through good times and bad, offer­ing a vital coun­ter­weight to the pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with mate­r­ial con­cerns and sec­u­lar desires, and to the temp­ta­tion to give in to despair at dif­fi­cult junc­tures in life. Torah study is con­sid­ered to be one of the most impor­tant things a Jew­ish per­son can do, since it leads to a greater desire to per­form good deeds and grow as a human being in all areas of life.


At CSFA, we pro­vide study oppor­tu­ni­ties designed to appeal as many mem­bers of our com­mu­nity as pos­si­ble:

  • Rabbi Schwartz teaches three weekly classes focus­ing on Hebrew language and a revolving topic;

  • Mem­bers lead study of the weekly Torah por­tion;

  • And through­out the year we also offer spe­cial work­shops to famil­iar­ize our­selves with the spe­cial rit­u­als asso­ci­ated with Jew­ish hol­i­days;

  • We also regularly invite scholars and speakers to enlighten us on questions of general interest. 


We welcome and encourage you to immerse yourself in any and all of these rich options available to deepen your understanding and attachment to our deep and holy traditions.

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