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Robert Reicher

I joined CSFA in 2016, so I am relatively new member. Nonetheless, my family has a long history with this shul. My grandparents were members for 20 years. I take great comfort in seeing their memorial plaques each week. In a way, we are still praying together.

My family was not particularly observant while I was a child. As an adult, however, I felt the need to connect with my Jewish roots in a more meaningful way. I shul shopped until I found the right place for me…and that was CSFA. Within a few minutes into my first visit, I knew CSFA was a place I could call home. Shabbat services are very intimate with a large portion of the congregation participating either leading portions of the service, receiving honors or raising their voices in prayer. The energy in the sanctuary provides a truly uplifting experience.


I am grateful that CSFA is such a welcoming place. I have a mixed marriage; my husband is Catholic. He joins me at many CSFA events and is welcomed with open arms. My journey as a Jew is enhanced because I can share my experiences with my spouse.
In a very short time, I have become more deeply involved in the synagogue’s activities.


Most significant is my participation on the Hesed Committee. I have developed real friendships with other members as we volunteer in soup kitchens and visit the elderly through Dorot.

As the newest member of the CSFA Board of Directors, I look forward to being part of the CSFA community for many years to come.

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